Brenda Barnes
First Lady of Abyssinian Baptist Church
Oakland, California
She works diligently in the service of the Lord with her husband, Dr. Kevin D. Barnes, Sr. She is also the mother of three children, Kevin Jr., Keith, and Kenneth Barnes.
First Lady Brenda Barnes was born in Dallas, Texas and raised Berkeley, California. Her parents taught her as a child to become and remain the Woman of God she is today. Along with her husband she has co-authored the book Successfully Raising Grandchildren.
Being given the mandate to empower women for God, First Lady Barnes started her ministry of empowering women to have a personal relationship with God, which meets every fourth Saturday of the month. This ministry speaks to and ministers to the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of women in the body of Christ.
First Lady Brenda Barnes is well known for her cheerful spirit and her willingness to worship. She knows that the true meaning of living a righteous life is to seek God not just through your praise or prayer life, but also with worship. She also believes that worship is real when you have a true relationship with Christ and it becomes your top priority because you can't come before the King and not offer a gift!
She is thankful to God for everyone who has been a blessing in her life, but she is mostly grateful for placing her in a position to be a helpmeet to a wonderful man of God, Dr. Kevin D. Barnes, Sr., mentor, awesome teacher and an excellent leader. Under his tutelage, she has learned so many life-changing lessons, but most importantly, she has learned how to walk in the will of God and to accept the plans He has for you.
First Lady Brenda Barnes is a firm believer that you should walk worthy, walk in unity and most importantly, Walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us . . . . (Ephesians 5:2a)